

  • Each Potato Farmer NFT you hold gathers 1,000 potatoes at 12pm PT every day

  • Gain 1 point for every potato you throw at another field

  • Lose 1 point for every potato you hold at 10am PT every day (including potatoes you received, and ones you didn't throw)

  • Gain or lose points from surplus penalties

Surplus penalty

We can't have everyone piling on one field. It just aint right.

If a field receives more potatoes than they gathered that day, they earn 20% of the excess potatoes as points, and 20% of the potatoes each field threw are returned to them.

Example scenario:

  1. Field 1 has 5 Potato Farmers, so they gathered 5,000 potatoes today

  2. Field 2 throws them 3,000 potatoes and Field 3 throws them 4,000 potatoes. That's 7,000 total.

  3. Since Field 1 received 2,000 more than they gathered that day they earn 20% of that surplus as points. So, 400 points.

  4. Field 2 and Field 3 receive a 20% penalty on the potatoes they threw Field 1. So, they lose 600 and 800 points respectively.

Misc. rules

  • Potato throws are hidden until the next day

  • A potato can only be thrown once per day. So, the recipient is stuck with it.

  • All potatoes get reset daily

  • Your daily points can't be negative. Either you earn something or nothing.

Last updated